Having a professional bio on your company’s website can increase new business and and help you stand out from competitors. In addition to websites, the biography can also be used for marketing materials, information for shareholders, article write-ups and introductions for speaking engagements and awards.
If you would like to order a resume with your biography, go to Resume Services page, pick your level of experience and choose the Ultimate Package. Or scroll down to order your professionally-written biography separately.
A professional bio can be described as a short set of sentences such as your name, what you have accomplished and event past employment experiences used to get your information into decision makers hands. A professional bio can and will help you stand out in a crowd that helps explain your core values so that you get the attention of decision makers such as HR reps and CEOs. If you would like one, please visit the services page to order now.
A business biography is a more pointed bio as a business person, a professional or even as an employer. Having a business biography is crucial to selling yourself without even marketing one’s self. You definately want to be known in the most exciting and interesting persona you have set out for yourself. Having a business biography can handle that. If you are looking for examples of great bios check out this book today.
Professional Bios in the business community can allow easy marketing without real effort. Looking at some of the most inspiring bios from history, you will see that this is a real good investment in the long haul. Having a well written Instagram Bio nowadays helps marketers or business people sell products on social media with little or no effort. If having an ecommerce store is your niche, then having a great professional biography will help you sell more products overall and thus increase your ROI. Check out the resume services page to order a biography alongside your resume today.
For company or personal website use, LinkedIn summary, introductions for speaking engagements, or anywhere else a short Executive Summary is needed
For Speaking Engagements, C-Suite Thought Leadership, or Media Interviews. Includes 30-minute Branding Strategy Session
For Board consideration, Recruiters, and Executive Search firms. Includes 30-minute Board Branding Strategy Session